Sunday, March 11, 2012

Ed's Small Group

Every Wednesday night, a group of guys comes to our house for their small group meeting.  I have enjoyed getting to know these guys, and studying with them God's Word.  Sometimes we get into discussions about prayer or the holy spirit or other various topics and it is good for them to process through what has been taught to them since they were young and see what lines up with scripture and what does not.  We all take turns leading the group and right now we are studying leadership and what that means in the Christian life. 

The group is done in Slovak, unless I am leading, so often I have deeper conversations after the group finishes.  Often I don't understand what is going on when the discussion is moving back and forth quickly.  I do enjoy this group because we have a wide array of people in it that have the potential to be great leaders for Christ in their sphere of influence.  In this group we have a mortgage banker, pastor in training, student musician, pastor's kid, youth leader, leader of a Christian rock band and a former pastor in training in our denomination who quit the pastorate because he did not agree with everything that they stand for and chose to get a "normal" job.  Three of us are married, three are students in their last year of high school, one is in the "real" work world and the last one works in our local church.

During school breaks we invite other potential leaders to join our group as is true in the picture with this post. 

My small group plus a few extras
I am asking that you would take a moment now and pray for this group that Jesus would raise them up to lead in their home lives, students lives, ministry life and in their work lives.  Jesus wants us to live in the freedom of His life and I am praying for that in the lives of the guys in this group.

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