Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Christmas with the Hartmans

They tried sledding on a smattering of snow...and our hill is steep enough that is worked!

Yes, it was as crazy as it looks!  :-)

Acting out the Christmas story

Christmas in Slovakia...BEAUTIFUL!!!  Last year was our first Christmas away from home.  It was a very quiet Christmas compared to the many we spent in America among friends and relatives.  In one sense it was hard, thinking about all of the parties going on of which we should have been a part, but in another sense it was nice and peaceful, spending the whole season with just the seven of us, not rushing off to party after party.  It was a great opportunity for us as a family to celebrate together the birth of our Savior in a quiet and meaningful way.

This year we were blessed to celebrate Christmas with our dear friends, Matt and Amy Hartman and their kids.  This family just moved to the Czech Republic to begin serving with Josiah Venture...and I mean, two weeks before they came to us.  They were waiting for their container of stuff, and since it was delayed and wouldn't get to them until after Christmas, they left their new empty home in Czech and came to our house.  They have four kids that are right in between our five, so it was a hoot of a time with 9 kids ages 10 and under.  What fun it was to enjoy these friends in our home.  The kids played together so well that we adults were able to have great times of conversation throughout the weekend...and great late nights playing euchre!

We had a really nice Christmas and hope all of you did too, celebrating our Savior's coming to earth for us.  What an incredible truth this is; and how this affects us as humans is staggering!!  We pray that you all will know the blessing of Christ living in you and the freedom that His coming brings!  Thank you to each of you who pray for us and who give financially to make it possible for our family to serve here in Slovakia!  Blessings!

1 comment:

The Hartman6 said...

Awww . . . love this post. You guys have way better pictures than we have! So great. The first of many great memories! (Or the 2nd if you count our first visit to you house).