Our main job right now and for the many months to come is to learn the Slovak language. It is a beautiful language similar to Russian, I think. There are a few sounds that we can't find a parallel to in our English language, which makes it harder to speak without a blaring accent. What is interesting to me, though, is that my high school Spanish class is in the forefront of my mind during these lessons (Hola, Senorita Hillyard!). Now that isn't so hard to comprehend, since that was the last time I was in this situation. But what is so interesting, is that so many words are coming back to my memory, Spanish words, words that I haven't used in 20 years! I keep trying to remember my new Slovak words, and jumping out of my mouth first, comes those words in Espanol! Instead of saying "Ahoj!" ("hello" in Slovak) I hear myself greeting people with "Aqui" ("here" in Spanish). And after a beautiful Slovak monologue to the lady at the deli counter, asking her for my sliced cheese, I end with a whopping "Gracias!" and walk away as fast as possible!
We are being taught by a friend named Zuzka, who is a teacher in the primary schools here in town, and comes to our house 4 afternoons a week. She is very good at her teaching, and does a great job making it easy for us to understand and practice. Happy Birthday, Zuzka!